Advanced Cyber security for juniors

advanced Cyber security course is a critical skill for the future. Children will learn to be safe, act responsibly online, and protect their identity and data. This course will teach about maintaining the safety of devices, secure passwords, and risks of malicious hackers, websites, and viruses.


Why Cyber security for juniors​ Courses Benificial

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Acquisition of Practical Skills

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Problem-Solving Abilities

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Keeping Up with Industry Trends

Benefits of This Course

Overview Of Courses

Why Choosing Us

Teaching Methods

Operational Plan


Cybersecurity is all about protecting computers, devices, and data from online threats and hackers. It's important for kids to learn because it helps them stay safe online and become responsible digital citizens.

No prior computer expertise is required. This course is designed for beginners and will start with the basics of online safety and cybersecurity.

You'll learn about safe internet practices, how to create strong passwords, identify phishing scams, and understand the importance of privacy and responsible online behaviour.

Student Success Story

Rahul's Mother House Wife

My daughter, Emma, embarked on an extraordinary journey of innovation and discovery through the AI and robotics training program at Futurbrain. As a concerned parent, I wanted to provide her with opportunities that would not only broaden her horizons but also equip her with essential skills for the future.

Jad's Father Designation

One of the most remarkable aspects of the program was its hands-on approach. Jad had the chance to build robots from scratch, write code to control their movements, and even delve into machine learning concepts. It was truly immersive, and I could see the spark of curiosity in her eyes every time she came home from class.